Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hello All! Quick update.

Hey guys, I just wanted to update everyone on life here in Arizona. As most of you know, I moved down here about a month and a half ago. The weather has been great, and the job is going good as well. This week is going to start of crappy with 60 and raining, but back to the mid 70s by mid week. I am still in the process of settling in, so still need to get some things, and one of my top priorities is getting a camera and taking pictures of the stadium and my place and what not. There are many things out here that I can't wait to explore, just need to save a little scratch so that I can do so.

I haven't decided what I am going to devote blogging about yet. I'm sure if you are reading this then you know that this blog will probably fit my personality in which will be totally random. I will probably talk about movies, tv shows, and the bachelor life. HAHA! I am currently catching up on TV shows that I have missed out on by not having Showtime, of course that means Weeds and Californication. I have also went back and watched all of the office seasons. Netflix has instant streaming which is incredible. Definitely check it out if you watch a lot of movies like I do.

So I have had Netlix for about a month, and I decided to go through my movies that I have rented this month. Some turned out great, and others were not so good. If you have any movie suggestions for me please let me know. This month I have watched Weeds Season 5, Californication Season 2, Gran Torino, District 9, Smoking Aces 2, Angels & Demons, and Surrogates to name a few.

Has anyone been watching Undercover Boss? I am really intrigued by this show. It is on Sunday nights on CBS (I am back to having the farmer 5 for TV, which is actually about 10 channels thanks to the digital converter box). Anyways, presidents and CEO's of companies go in and work as an hourly wage person in their companies without anyone knowing about it and see how their businesses are ran. It is pretty interesting so far, but we will see how it plays out. Anyways, it is getting late here and I am going to go for now, but I might start using this as a way to keep in touch with everyone. Thanks for reading!


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