Monday, February 22, 2010

Hello All, I'm back already, and since I got absolutely zero response I figured I will try again. This time, I hope somebody says that they read it or something.

I was thinking about why I named my blog so cleverly. Probably because it fits my name perfectly, but more so because of my love for game shows. I used to come home from preschool and instead of watching cartoons like normal five year olds I would watch game shows. I have/more so used to have an obsession with game shows.

I got to thinking of my top game shows that I wanted to appear on as a kid, or as an adult, which I still want to get on a game show sometime. I came up with my top 5 game shows that I want(ed) to appear on. Which I think only one (according to my qualifications) I could even still make it on to. Lets go to some honorable mention games shows in no particular order. First off some Nickelodeon game shows such as Double Dare, Guts, Nick Arcade, and Wild and Crazy Kids. I think anyone my age would say that wanted to be on at least one of those shows. A couple of other shows, and I am sure that my brother can attain to these are Ready Set Cook and Hoosier Millionaire. Hoosier Millionaire is one show that I thought for sure I would make it on sometime, but I guess it is not on the air anymore, and I do not live in Indiana anymore either. Besides all of these, if you wanted to include reality game shows to the mix, I would want to be on the Amazing Race, or the Mole, which no longer exists.

5. Family Fued - absolutely love this game show, and I can even remember playing it sometimes down at IU on the old Nintendo system. If I had a choice I would want Richard Karn, or for those of you who are more of a follower of Home Improvement, Al Boreland.

4. Legends of the Hidden Temple - The hardest part would be choosing from all of the team names. I think I was always rooting for the Green Monkeys, or maybe it was the Silver Snakes.

3. The Price is Right (and only as Bob Barker as the host) - of course, if i still get the chance to get on this show I would of course take it, but I think that everyone stopped watching this show once Bob retired.

2. Press Your Luck - I actually kind it find of amusing that the technology was so great that a contestant figured out the pattern of the big board took home some serious cash and prizes. I guess that they made a documentary about the incident, and I would actually love to see it.

Okay, here it is! The number one game show that I wanted to appear on as a kid, and I think that you will all get quite the chuckle out of this.

1. Supermarket Sweep - Being on the big sweep is something I always wanted to do. I know that this sounds stupid, but I would love for this show to come back on the air so I could do the Big Sweep. Check out this link to see the big Sweep.

Well, that's how random I think I will continue to post on here until I have something interesting to say, haha. Goodnight folks, hope some of you come to visit.


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