Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another weekend gone, and it rains again!

Saturday was amazing weather, High 70s and just loving it. Went out to Mesa to try a Vietnamese place and get Pho. It was very good. Then ended up going out to Scottsdale Saturday night and it was pretty fun. Not my typical bar, but still fun nonetheless.

Of course Sunday, when I was going to go to the Cubs vs Sox, it has to rain all day! Oh well, got to get some housework done, and of course by house work I mean apartment work. Have to start getting ready for my first visitors the first week of April, Mom and pops.

Watching the Oscars tonight and was excited to see the dude, aka Jeff Bridges win an Oscar. I think that this year's oscars is one that I know nothing about because I have seen very few of these films including Avatar and the Blindside, because Netflix hasn't released them yet. And, I don't know who will win best picture yet, but obviously the best picture this year was The Hangover, and it wasn't even nominated.

I will think of some other completely random thing to put up here this week, so be on the lookout, until then stay safe, miss you guys.


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