Sunday, October 24, 2010

Crisp Autumn Night, Missing IU!

I am finally thankful again for living in Arizona. The temperatures are back to bearable for a human (70s and 80s). I will be back in Indiana for a few days next weekend (my number hasn't changed, so you can give me a call if you would like). It will be a very short trip, and I am not sure when my next scheduled visit will be (It is possible now I won't be home at Christmas, still TBD).

My mind strays a lot now-a-days and I got to thinking about what I miss most about my Alma Matter, and the greatest institute of higher education, Indiana University. Please note that this list is not in any particular order.

1. Early morning tailgates. I am talking about 12pm kickoffs and getting to the grassy field right next to Woodlawn Ave and 17th St at 7am. I have been to a few schools for tailgating (and football games), but nothing even comes close to the times at the IU games.

2. Men's Basketball games - I know that we have been knocked down, but we are definitely on our way back up. We had some crazy games during my four years there and Assembly Hall can get LOUD. Some of the most passionate fans in all of college basketball.

3. Local Cover Bands - To be more specific, Dave and Rae and Hairbangersball. I miss seeing both of these guys on a Thursday at Jakes or a Saturday at the Bird.

4. While we are talking bars, how about Wednesdays at Sports or Mug night at Jakes?

5. Welcome Week, after you are all settled into your place though.

6. Fridays off thanks to experience in scheduling classes.

7. Spring Break, thanks to help from some Purdue friends as well.

8. The Little 500, the greatest week/weekend in the whole year.

I am sure that there is much, much more, but I am tired and time for bed. Another full week ahead.

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