Sunday, September 26, 2010

Been away awhile

I don't think that anyone actually reads this, but I will make a post anyway. Wow, I haven't updated since May, I guess I will have a lot to talk about.

Lets Start with a couple of visitors that I had over Memorial Day Weekend. Kyle and Maria came out to visit me. Maria might not be the biggest fan of four lokos after the weekend. HAHA. We went up to the Grand Canyon (again), and tried out the light rail for the first time. It was great having someone come out to see me! All are welcome to come out and visit if you want. I have a nice sized place now that I moved!

I got to go home over the fourth of July weekend, and it was much needed. It was great seeing everyone that I had a chance to see. I feel like my visits home are going to be few and far between over the next few years, so it was great to get together with a lot of people.

After getting hired full time I decided to move to a little bit better area of town, but still really close to work. So that is how I got to spend Labor day weekend. I am still in the process of aranging everything that I have and figuring out what I still need to get.

On a brighter note, football season is back in full swing and I have been incredibly busy as of late with work things. Looking a little bit forward, I will be home for the first weekend in November, but not a lot of free time, but would still like to see some friends. Mom, Dad, and Uncle Steve will be coming down around Christmas so I am pretty excited for that.

Now that I have stable internet access I will be able to update a little more often. BYE!