Sunday, April 25, 2010

I guess it has been awhile

I guess it has been awhile since I last posted on here. It has been a busy month. My parents came down and visited for the first week of April. We got to go see the Grand Canyon and Sedona. They were both really cool to go see, and I suggest you all do so someday. I guess you could come visit me and I could take you there if you would like.

Work has been very busy over the past week. We released our schedule on Tuesday and then had the draft Thursday-Saturday. I can honestly say that it was one of the most intriguing drafts of recent memory. First off you had a completely new format that led to a bunch of trades, in a draft that was considered to be incredibly deep. It looks like our team still has some holes to fill, but I guess we will have to go back and see who was undrafted or who we can still bring in from free agency. This is also the first time in awhile that the top pick was not signed before the draft, although it was not a surprise that Sam Bradford was taken.

Alright, back to the mound of laundry I have in my little apartment and probably going to go to Ross and pick up some new work clothes (kind of different when it is actually dress clothes instead of carpet cleaning clothes, haha). I will also probably have to go to the grocery store soon. I might just go spend the rest of the day outside, it is a lovely warm April day of course.